To the unknown woman

To the woman the world is waiting to know.

As the days go by, I sit by the Riverside waiting for your love to flow by. Where else can home be on earth if not inside your heart. The world says all that glitters is not gold, but the one thing that glitters in my eyes is the golden you. I've had enough to dream of a future with you  so much my hopes are full to the brim.

My queen, though the world may not have met you yet,  and the time may yet not be ripe for the fanfare, but at least some romantic letters we can exchange. I hope you get to read this letter before our meeting so our discussion can be romantically straight to the point.

Even in your absence, I feel the aura of your presence so strongly with a deep feeling of the kind of couple we'll be. You can't imagine that most times I giggle in silence as I play your personality in my head and preempt your response and reactions to situations... oh what a synced and teleporting life we will live.

As I write this letter, I'm all smiles because I envision the romantic escapades we shall undertake together. I can't wait for the rains to start so I can sit by the window to fantasize how we will dance in the rain with the beat created by the heavy thuds.
When you come we have a lot of practice to do, especially with the dance steps.

Every evening we shall find the perfect spot where the sun sets in view for a romantic dinner. What about the banters we will have over late night movies and how we are gonna cuddle to sleep thereafter. In fact, I'm mapping a game to make it more fun and in the long run ensure we don't get to fight over arguments. I know you will love it when you hear it.

I'm sure you're ready for the midnight vigils of praise and prayer. Winning wars and battles together on our knees in the closet of our room will be our norm; and when the children start to come, the family time of devotion will take the form of a convention. I know we will have a pretty daughter with a good voice to compliment yours in the place of worship. I'll take the baritone, (you guys will accept it however it sounds), and our charming boy will be by the piano.

Though your coming tarries, I find solace in the fantasy of day dreaming about us and about the life we'll live together, knowing fully well you're preparing and being prepared for the journey ahead. I'll wait, it's worth the wait. Like an Indian film, I see you dancing out of the blues when the time is ripe.  I will sit patiently by the crucible and sip my lemonade as I watch the road as far is it is visible for your arrival. I will keep awake with my envoy to receive your convoy just like in Indian love films.

I know you're probably smiling as you read this letter, but one thing I want to solicit from you, and two favours I'll ask of you. Please be chaste, stay pure and true. Stay away from evil company, don't let your faith and character get slain by worldly slay Queens. You must only slay in the Lord and be the Lord's chaste Queen for your King.

Till we meet,
Your King.

-Tayo Okanlawon


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